David Wu - CV

Attorney-Practiced Technology and International Trade Law in Portland Oregon for twelve years and founded the law firm of Cohen & Wu.

Congressman-Elected to the United States Congress from the State of Oregon in 1998 and reelected to seven terms. Served on the Science Committee (chaired the Technology and Innovation Subcommittee) and on the Education Committee.



US: (503) 805 8888
China: +86 10 6310 2976
Website: https://www.davidwu.us


Yale Law School, 1979 – 1982
Harvard Medical School, 1977 – 1978
Stanford University, 1973 – 1977


United States Congress, 1999 – 2011
First Congressional District of Oregon
• First member of the US House of Representatives of Chinese descent.
•Member of Science and Technology Committee and Education Committee.

Cohen & Wu
Boutique law firm in Portland, Oregon specializing in high technology,
corporations, and investment.

9th Circuit Court of Appeals
Judicial Clerk
• In the United States, the Federal Circuit Courts are one level below the US Supreme Court


Suzhou, China